Welcome to Carl's Corner!
My name is Cherry Carl, and I retired in June, 2003, after 35 years as a teacher and Language Arts Specialist in Santee, California. However, I am continuing my role as an instructor at the University of California, San Diego, in the Reading Specialist Certification Program.
I wasn't ready to retire. Teaching is in my blood! (My mother always reminded me that when I was little, I dragged the neighborhood kids in to play school whether they wanted to or not!) I still have the strong desire to make a difference for teachers, parents, and students. I'm passionate about the joy of knowing how to read and write and want every child to have the experience of closing a book with a sigh, "Wow, that was a good book!" The only way they can do that is by having the necessary skills and strategies to become independent readers. Teachers and parents need to be aware of the all-important instructional tools and "promising practices." This website has been created to provide resources and materials for classroom teachers, reading and resource specialists, speech therapists, parents and students in the area of language arts. Please feel free to download and print anything that catches your eye, but please make sure to leave my name on the poetry and worksheets!
Alphabet Avenue
Holiday Highway
Themes Thruway
Little Book Lane
Alphabet Readers
Books About Colors
Sight Word Readers
Word Family Readers
Writing Folder Books and Charts
Mother Goose Readers
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Sight Words: Word Way, Too!
關於Sight words的教學,這裡則有相當多的資源可下載利用,只是需要花一些時間去挖寶。
這個網站內的背景、插圖都是來自一個我相當喜歡的網站---Graphic garden,在我的舊網頁中,曾經也大量用了她的插圖呢!